Posts tagged #ald
Coffee and Conversations

"Social entrepreneurs are not content just to give a fish or teach how to fish. They will not rest until they have revolutionized the fishing industry" - Bill Drayton, Founder, Ashoka .

MASH Project did a series of events called 'Coffee & Conversations on Social Entrepreneurship' which focused on inspiring stories and engaging conversations where the young Changemakers from Enactus chapters of different colleges in Delhi shared a platform with experts - Yashveer Singh, Director, Ashoka's Youth Venture and @Ajit Singh , Ashoka Fellow and Founder, Anant Learning and Development Pvt. help them make a greater social impact through their work.

Catch a glimpse of these sessions and relieve those amazing moments of inspiration and action with the young Social Entrepreneurs.

#SocEnt #mashproject #ashoka #coffee & #conversations #aftermovie

Enactus IPCW , Enactus KMCEnactus JMC , Enactus LSR , Enactus Motilal Nehru College , Enactus JMI , Enactus SSCBS & Enactus IGDTUW

Youth Ki Awaaz University Express DU Beat DU Express Campus Drift The Optimist Citizen

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